Sunday, August 9, 2009

Harvest In Cafe

Looking for a nice and cosy air-conditioned ambient for lunch and dinner and yet not have to fork out too much money for a meal of western food? You can try Harvest In cafe. I went to this place once for dinner and found the food not bad and not too expensive considering it's nice ambient.

The facade

Outside of the cafe, view taken from inside the cafe.

Inside the cafe

I had mexican roasted chicken, RM14.90. It comes with mashed potatoes, some carrots,cauliflower and broccoli. The chicken tasted good and tender, and the skin is crispy.

Hubby had this set called Bombay chicken, RM13.90.
Align Center

I love the food here, and its environment. However, I am quite disappointed with the serving portion. Look at the one little slice of carrot and 3 small cauliflowers/brocolli. It is as if those are so expensive. Hubby's bombay chicken meat is just one piece of the chicken thigh. Mine, the mexican chicken is slightly bigger in size. However, I was still hungry when leaving the cafe, and finished off half a can of mister potato at night for supper....keke.

This is the dinner menu. Only managed to take one photo because the waitress quickly came to me for order when she saw me taking photos of the menu. I guess they don't want the menu to be seen by their competitor outside.

This is the lunch menu. We realized that the menu for lunch and dinner quite different, and what is more different is the price. Yes, lunch is more cheaper than dinner.

Map to the cafe.

Definitely a better choice to go this place for lunch instead, coz the price at lunch is about the same as the outside hawker western food. Also the food here is without taxes and service charge.

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